Thursday 13 October 2011

The British fashion of autumn

(( Outfit details...Hat ? / Jacket ZARA / Knit UNIQLO / Shirts UNIQLO / Short Jel'emets solo / Tights TOPSHOP / Socks UNIQLO / Shoes ? / Bag ? / ))

The theme of this fashion is "a British fashion of autumn." ?If it says that it is British, there are "check design", "Oxford", "tailor jacket", etc.
A check design does not suit me at all. Because, I look childlike if the clothes of a check design are worn with black hair. Therefore, I make the check design weak. Therefore, when wearing the British fashion of autumn, I wear a tailored jacket and Oxford and enjoy a fashion
Look the tights of this TOPSHOP! These tights have a pattern of the heart in a knee. This is stocking tights with a pattern. Probably, this will be very curious and unique?
I like unique tights. haha :)